Presidential Prayer Team

Prayers for the President21st August 2010
The top commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan said Monday that Taliban momentum has been reversed in areas that had been its stronghold.
General David Petraeus also said that US forces would not begin an “exodus” from Afghanistan in July 2011, the deadline for beginning the withdrawl of US forces.

“You not only have to reverse the momentum, you have to take away those sanctuaries and safe havens that the Taliban have been able to establish over the course of … years,” he said, adding that “that’s going to entail tough fighting.”

He seemed to warn that the high casualty rates for US and NATO forces could continue. “When you take away areas that mean a great deal to the enemy, the enemy fights back. It gets harder before it gets easier,” he said. (Sources: Christian Science Monitor, BBC News, AP)

As the Lord leads, please pray:*
* For General Petraeus and his immediate subordinates.
* For God’s protection over the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
* For the families of our military men and women.

The question is: Does God answer the prayers of people engaged in hostile activities that questionably non-defensive? Is God really interested in militarism as a solution to socio-economic conflicts?

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