CIA Operations

Mind Control experimentation during the Vietnam era. In a culture dominated by the military use of unrestrained political power you inevitably get a situation like in Russia and Germany in the 1940’s where citizens become the victims of organised psychopathy and brainwashing. It’s all part of the political toolkit of domestic military intelligence.
But what has this got to do with the conflict between Christ and the Bible?
Everything is connected.
The power of the State extends to an executive power over individual lives and the communal life of society at large, over citizens who are born as ‘subjects’ to the authority of State which is defined by both Criminal and Constitutional Law. If the wording of the Constitution refers to a higher authority, such as God, as it does in the British Constitutional Monarchy of political power, then everyone issued with a birth certificate by such a State is indirectly subject to God’s authority within its cultural and traditional understanding of ‘God’.
Define the character and personality of God and you’ll get close to understanding what defines the nature and ethics of political POWER exercised by executives of State who have sworn an oath to serve such a monolithic autocracy, as is the case in the UK.
In this context democracy is just a myth.

8 Christ v Bible / State
Over many centuries military outfits have been murdering people thinking it is divinely approved. Divine...
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God says you must die
7 Christ v Bible / State
Words are more important than you think, especially words that talk about you from eternity. The world...
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6 Christ v Bible / State
Citizens collectively destroy other citizens who in turn collectively do the same in return in a never...
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5 Christ v Bible/State
Soldiers rely on the integrity of these 'scientists' 'fact finders' to give them a compelling story for...
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4 Christ v Bible/State
Order out of chaos does not automatically mean society is going to be developed around the principle...
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3 Christ v Bible/State
I believe that all wars throughout the history of human civilisation are entirely pointless and meaningless....
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2 Christ v Bible/State
Part 2 attempts to show the close relationship between ignorance and fear. How ignorance about the true...
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1 Christ v Bible/State
This video section highlights the ignorance of early church writers who had little grasp of Christ as...
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Intro to Christ v Bible / State
An intro to the business of putting the record straight. "Jesus Christ is not the Bible. And the Bible...
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Old Testament Devil Worshippers
Completely destroy them
The idea that the army commanders of Israel were hearing from God when they set out to slaughter their...
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