The Dilemma of a Bipolar Church

Fox News Article Christmas 2010An article in FoxNews by Col. Oliver North typifies the confusion in the minds of the military concerning their relationship with God.He opens his article with a verse that contains the phrase, ‘thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’Presumably Mr North thinks that the word […]
OT rhetoric in Christendom
17th September 2010 An article written by Robert Koehler on’s website also touches on the very real problem concerning the extremely worrying rhetoric of US military leaders claiming to be Christian Warriors. The language they use is not dissimilar from the language of radical jihad Islamic fundamentalists. The reason for parity in the type […]
An old Christianity that is not Christ
Christians need to become aware of the ways in which the authority of the Bible over the centuries has influenced the expansion of diverse cultic quasi religious organisations, connected intimately with mainstream Christianity, that are obsessed with the lust of ‘military solutions’ to spiritual and cultural issues. The language, customs and belief systems of these […]
Ministry of Death
Praying for the Destruction of Human Life Kenneth Copeland Ministries is an international Christian ministry sharing the good news of the gospel and proclaiming “Jesus Is Lord!” through Believer’s Voice of Victory television broadcasts, the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine, live Christian conferences and our ministry website. From the Christian principles of faith, hope and […]
Presidential Prayer Team
21st August 2010 The top commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan said Monday that Taliban momentum has been reversed in areas that had been its stronghold. General David Petraeus also said that US forces would not begin an “exodus” from Afghanistan in July 2011, the deadline for beginning the withdrawl of US forces. […]
War is not divine; it is humanism playing God
We accuse other cultures of barbaric behaviour when they chop off heads and darkly croon in our beer about the terrible inhumanity of man. Yet it was only two generations ago that English people subordinated themselves to a killing machine that destroyed tens of thousands of housewives and children of mixed ethnicity in Germany.