Explanation for ChristVersusBible
The reason for this website is bound up in the two words ‘Christ’ and ‘Bible’. These two words are metaphors for two realities, the individual and society. And the conflicts that arise between the two. In the 1960’s the actor Patrick McGoohan repeated the phrase ‘I am a name, not a number’ in a series […]
It’s the belief that is a lie
Truth versus Lies 3 looks at the choice set before you by your educationalists. It’s necessary to tackle this lie before I interest you in others. The choice is to do with your identity, which is what you protect with great force and persuasion, either as a crowd or as an individual. How you articulate […]
1 The news war industry
The news industry & the purification of militarism & war One of the biggest influences on the way the media outlets shape news is the power of the people behind the money that keeps the media afloat. Like any other commercial venture their survival is dependent on keeping major investors happy, the powerless reader excluded. […]
2.Militarism based on a lie?
Militarism is a disease that needs a doctor. The media is a carrier of this disease.
Why do I focus on Christ?
The purpose of Jesus Christ appearing on the scene when he did was to clarify a universal awareness of the illusion of time. He came to move human consciousness away from focusing narrowly on the physical dimension of life (materialism) toward a spiritual dimension (eternalism) demonstrating with words and deeds that the old ways of […]
Why the name for this website?
The reason for this website is bound up in the two words ‘Christ’ and ‘Bible’. These two words are metaphors for two realities, i.e.the individual and society respectively, and for the conflicts that arise between them. In the 1960’s the actor Patrick McGoohan repeated the phrase ‘I am a name, not a number’ in a […]