The Bible was put together during a time in history when it was considered normal to think of God as a patron of war and judgement – the two were interlocking. The first church leaders brought into the life of the church a spirit contrary to the Spirit of Jesus Christ when they decided at various Council meetings convened under Roman patronage to connect the Old Testament with the New Testament under one title ‘Holy’.
Both the Jewish and Roman ruling hierarchies had a concept of a warrior God that was similar so it is not surprising that the new way of seeing God introduced by Jesus Christ became a problem for the ruling authorities responsible for regulating the behaviour of their citizens. The image they had of God was something that they used as a model for justifying their behaviour. In both cultures it was normal to murder, rape and steal with the image of a warrior God in their mind’s eye.
The way the authorities solved the Jesus problem was to indirectly coax the church leadership into accepting the normal view of God by enabling them to produce a Bible in which the new Way of Jesus Christ was patched into the old way of Judaism, like sewing an old patch onto a new wine skin, to reinforce the Jewish view of God as normal, as even more true, and thereby make the controversial new Way of seeing God portrayed by his Son no longer new but patched up, spoiled.
A community of Bishops under Roman patronage expanded quite quickly across the Roman Empire, which was given geographical authority over the development of Christendom. Together with the authority of a Bible that contained some texts not inspired by God but by a spirit contrary to the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Roman church evolved into a Church and State partnership that to this day makes a mockery of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
A longer version can be read under ‘Bible & War – Historical Aspect’